Money Market Mutual Fund Sweep
The use of money market mutual funds serves a very specific purposes for community banks—which centers around balance sheet management. We recognize that many community banks have balance sheets that are teeming with excess liquidity (a problem unheard of just a few short years ago). The ability to utilize money market mutual funds as an alternative to putting deposits to the Fed each day, and providing your customers with a competitive sweep solution for their idle cash balances is a proven solution that has assisted community banks on their path toward increasing profitability.
TKS Baker’s Money Fund Sweep is a fully automated, daily money market mutual fund sweep that enables your bank to send excess deposits off of your balance sheet. Safely shrinking your balance sheet will quickly decrease your deposit base and carrying costs, and improve highly scrutinized balance sheet ratios. In addition, the program enables your customers to have an automated cash management account where they can earn competitive interest from a choice of high quality money market mutual funds.
TKS Baker has a complete lineup of money market sweep or direct funds focused on safety, liquidity, and capital preservation. The types of funds include; Prime, U.K. Government, British H.M. Treasury, Municipal (national), Japanese ministry of Finance Funds, Bank of Japan, Tax-Free (region-specific), and Offshore.